Mindless tasks improve the mind

John David Back
3 min readNov 16, 2017


I’m going to let you in on a secret life hack that I think is really great. It could change you forever. It could catapult you to the upper echelon of society in an instant. With this one simple change in your daily routine, you could be a giant gorilla, climbing the Empire State building and smashing single-propeller aircraft as they try to shoot you down.

Here it is:

Do something simple, routine, and mindless.

That’s it. It’s that basic. As I am sitting here spit-balling, things that come to mind are daily chores, so it’s really kind of a two-for-one situation. When you do something mindless, like doing the dishes by hand, you’re “letting go” for a minute. You’re not being actively stimulated by a screen or by another person. You’re not dodging traffic or listening to the radio. You’re not even walking. In those few minutes, your conscious mind can slow down and sink a little bit, and you will feel refreshed afterwards.

Don’t believe me? Just ask world’s biggest glasses Bill Gates. If you’re making the connections I’m leading you to, you could literally become a billionaire following this advice.

Give yourself opportunities to just be

When during your day do you truly just unplug and focus on the task at hand? And not a “work” task. A task that doesn’t require a lot of mental stamina, but that does require some dexterity and a vague sense of concentration. You could fold laundry, vacuum the floor, clean off your shelves, whatever. Giving yourself this time to disengage is bound to get your creative juices flowing.

This is your brain when you don’t do some mindless task

What I do to shut off my brain but stay awake

My things have become doing the dishes at home and giving my kid a bath. I have to pay just enough attention to the bath so she doesn’t drown, but other than that I just chill. I don’t bring in my cell phone because it would get drenched. Same thing goes for a book or a newspaper. All I can really do is just hang out in the bathroom. Even if you do that while using the bathroom, usually you’re reading your cell phone or the back of a shampoo bottle.

Right? Plus, after I do the dishes — the dishes are done! I don’t have any more dirty dishes. Looking down at a clean counter and an empty sink is a great feeling. You need more great feelings. Or, at least I do.

All too often in this connected world we just never disconnect. We check our phones obsessively. We watch Game of the Rings or Lord of the Thrones or whatever. We can quote movies and songs by rote. But when do we let ourselves just be alone with ourselves? My guess is at night in bed, while that soft blue glow guides us to a fitful, digitally inspired sleep.

Change that and change your life.





John David Back
John David Back

Written by John David Back

Peanut butter first, code second.

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